Growing up in a village, the idea of changing schools was synonymous with changing my entire world. It wasn't just a shift in classrooms; it was a complete overhaul of my life – new cities, new hostels, new friends, new foods, new habits, and the heart-wrenching act of leaving it all behind when it was time to move again. My first seven years of schooling were rooted in the familiarity of my village, a comforting routine of home-cooked meals and familiar faces. But then, the winds of change blew, and I found myself venturing into a new town, leaving the warmth of my family behind. The initial experience was a rude awakening. I landed in an ashram-like school, a stark contrast to the nurturing environment I was used to. It felt less like a place of learning and more like a work camp. Daily chores replaced study time, and the pressure to finish every morsel of food, coupled with the daunting task of self-laundry, left me feeling overwhelmed and unprepared. The crowded classrooms mean...
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